
Sending minds… like water!

Today, I went to two events that were totally unrelated. The one in the morning, I will scribble about more elaborately tomorrow, but this very beautiful calligraphy that I found there really got me thinking:



It says “Mind… like water” (and in my opinion, written in such a way… like water)


Well, what does this mean? I thought about it all morning, and I believe I know the answer – maybe its meaning depends on whatever word(s) you put in the “…” part. So, I guess a better question to ask would be, what do I want it to mean?


I could not come up with an answer right away, but I may have stumbled onto a possibility at the event I went to in the afternoon, where fabric dying using the marbling method (transferring patterns created by blotting and/or combing oil-based inks on water) was being demonstrated.


I’ll come back later to complete this thought (and yesterday’s, I haven’t forgotten!) because I need a little more time to find the exact word(s) I want to put in the “…” part, but this is the image I am trying to draw from:



A marbling-print handkerchief dyed impromptu, with colours and pattern chosen by the marbling master to reflect his impression of me!


By the way, what words would you choose to put in the “…” part?

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