Thoughts for My People

Sending phoenix and dragons and cranes, oh my!

This weekend, the shrine closest to where I live is holding an autumn festival. This year is especially festive, because it falls on the year the Goddess of Sun enshrined there gets on a carriage and marches around the community to spread fortune to all the residents.



The main carriage



A closer look at the main carriage – beautifully lacquered and gorgeously decorated with golden bells and other ornaments


The march will be held tomorrow, so the main carriage remained in its hangar. But each block of the community has its own carriages, and they were out marching today. (How the Goddess gets on all these carriages at the same time, I am not sure… maybe she divides herself or has lots of doubles??)



Carriage march of my neighbouring block by a team of primary school kids… how cute!


And these are the carriages of my block:



Big carriage in the back are carried by a team of grown-up men, small carriage in the front by teams of women or adolescents



A closer look at the big carriage – from top to bottom, phoenix and dragons and cranes, oh my!



And a behind-the-scenes (bells) look at the big carriage – most of its decorations and ornaments are wood-carved… I was told this is very rare. Can you believe the little red ball that the dragon in the middle right is holding is a wood-carved bell that actually makes a clanking sound when the carriage is shook while marching?!


My people who were displaced due to the big earthquakes that hit them back in mid-April have been marching on strongly to get back home. There are no yellow brick roads to guide their way, and there probably are much scarier lions and tigers and bears they must face than in the musical film W.-of-O. But I am thinking the phoenix and dragons and cranes on the carriage can help them find brains and hearts and courage they need better than scarecrows and tin woodmen and cowardly lions.


So, maybe this week, you can join me in sending your phoenix and dragons and cranes to my people?


Just like other previous get well messages which started with sending flower power, nothing special or extraordinary is asked of you. Only that, if you have a particular something you fall back on for ideas and passion and strength when facing challenges, you would kindly share it with my people.


Maybe you can tell me about your sources of brains and hearts and courage by leaving a comment?


As always, there is no need to go out of your way. But if you have an epic story like the W.-of-O. on how you overcame difficulties just waiting to be told… well, here is your place!


Thank you to everyone who visits me here and reads through my post(s), old and new. Maybe it is no Emerald City here, and maybe I am no wizard, but there are no wicked witches here either, so you are free to tap your heels and get back home whenever you wish! I hope you will enjoy your stay, regardless of what brought you here.

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