Thoughts for My People

Sending hearts you can bite and bite but cannot take a bite out of!

Every year on the last day of the new year holiday, there is a place I go to to pray for a healthy and safe and peaceful year and obtain a special amulet. But this year, I had to skip that.   It is generally believed in my culture to be inappropriate to visit shrines… Continue reading Sending hearts you can bite and bite but cannot take a bite out of!

Thoughts for My People

Sending ordinary things made a little special!

Back in mid-July, I mentioned a very thoughtful tradition in my culture called “midsummer gifts,” to be sent to those who are dear to you to show that you care how they are doing during the hottest time of the year. Well, we have a similar gift-sending tradition during the coldest time of the year… Continue reading Sending ordinary things made a little special!